Change is something we all claim to want at some point in our lives. We talk about wanting to be better, feel better, or live differently. But here’s the truth: while we may desire change, many of us don’t know how to get there or worse, we create roadblocks that keep us stuck.  

We’ve all heard it before: “You should seek help.” Maybe a friend, family member, or even a professional has told you this. Perhaps you’ve even taken steps to explore your struggles, only to stop short of embracing the truth. You might have uncovered revelations about yourself but weren’t ready to face them. Or maybe, deep down, you realized what needed to change but were too afraid to make a move.  

But here’s the thing:  When you grow in awareness, the responsibility of change becomes yours.

Once you learn something new about yourself once you see things differently you can’t unsee it. The choice then becomes yours. You can cling to what was, holding tightly to old habits and beliefs, or you can begin to create something new. Your history is tied to your destiny, but only *you* hold the keys to unlock what lies ahead.  

The truth is, many of us struggle to move forward because we’re afraid of letting go of the past. We cling to the familiarity of what we’ve always known, even if it’s painful, dysfunctional, or unhealthy. Why? Because it’s safe. The pain, as strange as it sounds, feels secure because it’s familiar. It’s the unknown the uncertainty of what lies ahead that terrifies us.  

So, we stay stuck. We tread water in our trauma, normalize dysfunction, and make excuses for why we can’t move forward. We tell ourselves stories about why things are the way they are, blaming our past experiences for our present circumstances. But here’s the hard truth:  

You can’t move forward while holding on to the past. 

It’s time to stop blaming your past for your hold-ups, hang-ups, and mess-ups. Once you’ve gained awareness whether through therapy, spiritual guidance, self-reflection, or other means it’s up to you to decide what to do with it. Awareness is a gift, but it’s also a responsibility.  

When you’ve been given the answers when you understand the root causes of your struggles it’s no longer about what happened to you. It’s about what you’re going to do now.  

Change isn’t about age or timing it’s about choice.

It’s never too late to make a change, to shift your perspective, or to alter your lifestyle. Every day is a new opportunity to start fresh. Each morning brings new mercies and a chance to rewrite your story.  

This is where therapy or counseling can make a difference. It’s not just about talking through your problems; it’s about learning about yourself on a deeper level. Therapy can help you gain insight, develop awareness, and see your life from a fresh perspective. It can guide you toward making better choices and stepping into the life you want to create.  

But the question is:  Do you really want change?  

Are you ready to let go of what’s holding you back? Are you willing to embrace the discomfort of the unknown to create something better for yourself? What do you truly want in this season of your life?  

The choice is yours.  

Your story is still being written. You are the author, and you have the power to decide how it ends. Will you stay stuck in old patterns, or will you take the steps necessary to create a new narrative?  

You decide. It’s your story to tell.